University of Connecticut, Women’s Center, Storrs

The UConn Women's Center seeks to educate, advocate and provide support services for the achievement of women's equity at the University and within the community at large. The center is focused on but not limited to women who face additional challenges due to their race, ethnicity, socio-economic class, sexual identity, religion, age and physical or mental ability.

El Centro de Mujeres de UConn trata a educar, proponer y producir asistencia para el logro del igualidad de mujeres en el Universidad y dentro de la comunidad en general. El Centro presta atención en pero no está restrungido a las mujeres que afronta desfíos a debido de su raza, origen étnico, clase socio-economico, identidad sexual, religion, edad y habilidad físico o mental.

Student Union 4th Flr., 2110 Hillside Road, Unit 3118, Storrs Mansfield, CT 06269 P: 860-486-4738 F: 860-486-1104