2020 Directory of Women’s Organizations in Connecticut

The PCSW conducts its strategic initiatives, outreach and research through the the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women in Connecticut Education Fund, Inc., a 501(c)(3) entity.


In 2020, the PCSW published the 2020 Edition of the “Directory of Women’s Organizations in Connecticut”. The state’s pre-eminent resource for identifying and accessing the women’s organizations in Connecticut, the 2020 Directory is comprehensive, fully bilingual, and inclusive. In the 2020 Edition, we have added the features of online access, full search-ability, and expansion to include four-year college women’s studies/gender programs across Connecticut. The Directory is a resource for a multitude of purposes, including but not limited to:  accessing services for women, identifying funders of women’s organizations, connecting women in the professions, assisting college students in identifying women’s studies programs, highlighting organization run-by and resourcing women of color and assisting women in Connecticut’s communities find women’s civic organizations.  The Directory is dynamic, and updated regularly. 

Online Directory

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