UConn Foundation, Women’s Philanthropy Network
The Women’s Philanthropy Network is a network of women who are passionate about women’s issues and helping the next generation of students at UConn. Through events around the country, the Network aims to recruit UConn alumni and friends to connect with other talented UConn women and alumni, form connections and offer each other mentorship and support. Furthermore, the Network offers a scholarship fund that gives support to current female students and inspires the next generation of UConn women.
TOLL FREE: (800) 269-9965
La Red de Mujeres y filantropía es una red de mujeres que son apasionadas sobre temas de mujeres y ayudar la próxima generación de estudiantes de UConn. Por eventos de todo el país la Red trata de contratar alumni e amigos de UConn para conectar con otros mujeres y alumni.
LÍNEA GRATIS: (800) 269-9965
2390 Alumni Drive Unit 3206 Storrs, CT 06269-3206 P: 860-486-5000 (Main Office) 860-679-1122 (Farmington Office) F: 860-486-0907