Kate Connors
Kate Connors is thrilled to be working with PCSW. A recent UChicago graduate, Kate majored in Environmental and Urban Studies, minored in Human Rights, and is passionate about the intersection of social justice and the built environment in urban landscapes and systems. Before Covid, Kate interned at the City of Chicago's Department of Planning and Development. The summer before, Kate worked at the Berlin headquarters of Climate Analytics, an international climate research and policy institute, where she co-authored a report detailing the potentials for each major emitter country to commit to more ambitious carbon emissions targets.
Descending from Cuban refugees primed Kate to pick up social justice work early on, and she's been a longtime activist and feminist. While at Greenwich Academy, she organized and led campaigns to improve school conditions for queer and trans students, including: faculty education, all-gender bathrooms, gender-inclusive uniform options, and changing school culture to one that celebrates queerness, instead of fearing it. She was chosen as a 2015 HERlead Fellow and received a grant to implement a project for social change in her community, which she used to found and run the Queer Students Organization. Kate is a lifelong performer and filmlover, and she's excited to combine her passions for social justice and video in working towards equality for all women in Connecticut.