Read the PCSW’s Original Report on the Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Connecticut’s Women
Legislative Initiatives
Directory of CT Women’s Orgs
Strategic & Research Initiatives
Our Mission
The PCSW’s mission is to provide expertise, research, resources and advocacy in order to improve the lives of women and girls in Connecticut. Since its founding 47 years ago, the PCSW continues to be, a bipartisan organization with a non-partisan mandate.

Our Vision
A state in which women and girls
1. Live and work free from discrimination
2. Develop economic security on the basis of opportunity, education, talent and accomplishment, and free from gender-related barriers
3. Live safely
4. Live healthy lives and have equal access to healthcare
5. Have equal access to educational opportunities
6. Have equal access to leadership and representation in positions of authority and governance, throughout public and private enterprises