
Cathy Graves

After a distinguished career in the business world, Graves switched to a non-profit entity nearly a decade ago. In her most recent role — as Vice President of Finance, Investments and Administration at the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven — she developed The Prosperity Foundation, focused on economic empowerment of African Americans in Connecticut, and was instrumental in the establishment of the Connecticut Center For Arts & Technology.

Prior to her Foundation work, Graves held positions at Federal Home Loan Mortgage (Freddie Mac) in Washington, D.C., and the Bank of Ireland Asset Management, headquartered in Dublin, Ireland. As Vice President of Client Services, Sales and then Marketing for North America, she was the first African American to globally represent the Bank of Ireland.

In addition to her professional work, Graves is also an active member of the greater New Haven community. She has served several terms on the New Haven Board of Police Commissioners and as a Trustee for the New Haven Police & Fire Pension Board. She is Deputy Convener for the Eastern Region Urban League and served as Treasurer of the Urban League of Southern Connecticut,

Graves graduated with a degree in business administration from Providence College and holds graduate professional certificates from George Washington University and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.