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Carolyn Treiss

Carolyn Treiss served as the Executive Director of the former PCSW state agency and now serves as President of PCSW, Inc. and Treasurer of PCSW Education Fund, Inc. Carolyn currently serves as Executive Assistant to Commissioner Scott Jackson at the Connecticut Department of Labor.

        Carolyn’s passion for women’s rights advocacy is longstanding, having served as executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice CT, chief of staff at the state Office of Health Care Access, legislative program manager for the Department of Social Services, and as policy director for the Connecticut Senate Democratic Caucus.

       She has served on both her local Town Council and Board of Education, as well as serving as a former board member of NARAL Pro-Choice CT, CT NOW and the Connecticut Women’s Education and Legal Fund.

        Treiss was named the recipient of the 2015 Catherine Roraback Award from NARAL Pro-Choice CT, as well as a member of Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence’s “First 100 Plus,” an award honoring leaders working to improve the lives of domestic violence victims in Connecticut.